Epil Pro

epil pro

Epil Pro -the risk-free and heat-free hair removal treatment on Harley Street, London

Introducing Epil Pro Treatment – The non-invasive, heat-free, and needle-free treatment solution for hair removal. The Epil Pro is exclusive to being suitable for all skin types and hair colors. Making it ideal for small areas such as eyebrows or upper lips. 

How it works
What is Epil Pro hair removal treatment?

Epil Pro is a progressive treatment not dissimilar to electrolysis. Suitable for all skin types and hair colours, this technique is ideal for small areas such as eyebrows or upper lips.

The process involves tweezers being used to introduce a current to each individual hair. This current then travels along the length of the hair to the follicle, causing the surrounding cells to disintegrate. This in turn cuts off the follicle’s supply of nutrients and oxygen, which leads to the root starving and eventually dying. 


That’s why we offer the Epil Pro hair removal treatment because it is suitable for all skin types, effective on all hair colours, and can be used safely on natural or fake tan, but also features to make the process comfortable and convenient:

  • Non-surgical 
  • Risk-free 
  • Heat-free
  • Needle-free 
  • Safe for fake or natural tan 
  • Suitable and effective for all skin and hair types as well as hair colours 
  • Suitable for both men and women
  • No burning or pigmentation 
  • Safe on diabetics
  • Leaves your treated area smooth and clear of hair 
  • You’ll have more evenly skin after the treatment
  • Epil Pro kills every single hair follicle, leaving your treated area of hair free safely
Book A Free Consultation

If you are interested in the risk-free Epil Pro hair removal treatment, we advise booking your free consultation as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

All our consultations and in-clinic treatment sessions are led by our beauty and wellbeing expert Shenaz Shariff.

To book an Epil Pro appointment, use the button below to request an appointment slot for your initial free consultation, which will take 15-20 minutes. At your free consultation, you will receive a full treatment plan and quote before proceeding with the treatment.

Whether you have a genuine condition or are simply fed up of having to shave or wax every few days, hair removal treatments can provide significant relief to individuals, whether male or female.
Frequent questions

Generally smaller areas, such as eyebrows, underarms, ears and upper lips, are the most common areas to undergo this treatment. 

Risk-free, Safe & Painless

Much more versatile than traditional hair removal techniques such as electrolysis, Epil Pro allows us to eliminate those tricky hairs in just one session (which can last anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes) an entire area can be cleared.

In short, you’ll finally be able to enjoy that clean, smooth skin you’ve always wanted.

Initial Free Consultation

When you first enquire about Epil Pro at our clinic, you will be offered a free consultation with Shenaz Shariff. This consultation takes approximately 15-20 minutes, during which time she will discuss your needs and recommend if Epil Pro is the right treatment program to achieve your desired results.

All in-clinic sessions are held in a private 1-on-1 setting with Shenaz Shariff.

The treatment session takes approximately 15-45 minutes. You will be able to sit down and relax whilst Shenaz will talk you through the process of the treatment.

Typically a session takes 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the extent of the area to be treated. Epil Pro is a slow and progressive treatment, therefore it could take up to 12-18 months with treatment scheduled every two to three weeks. 

Yes. We recommend the client to apply the Epil Pro lotion after each treatment. 

Not particularly,  the only are that can cause a little discomfort perhaps is the upper lip region.

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